Who we are?
What do we want?
A group of former athletes from various sports who either have evolved to a high level and understand the limitations and inequities in the system and can no longer stand aside, or they chose to leave, combining school and sports, and saw there that performance can be achieved without sacrificing early education...and they want things to change here as well.
Yes, we are frustrated!
We are frustrated to see generation after generation of athletes miss out on the chances of their lives by not being—in the internet age!- informed about opportunities, living in the same shadow cone and being surrounded by the same harmful mentalities in Romanian sports.
We are frustratedlet's continue to passively witness the indoctrination and mental abuse of athletes by outdated and federal coaches who don't know how to send an email in Romanian (God forbid in English!).
We are frustratedto see athletes from Germany, Holland, Australia, Spain, Italy, UK, ba even Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, how they access educational opportunities through sport and end up performing at the highest level, and in Romania we implicitly encourage the academic imposture of the athletes, and the results are not better either.
We are frustratedthe lack of transparency and respect for taxpayers, the waste of public money, the same defeatist rhetoric and bankruptcy policies. Of endless myths about the lack of money in general.
We're Westerners, we're progressives, and we'll bring it up whenever possible.
We believe that Romanian sport needs as much exposure as possiblemethods, mindsets, people, ideas, ways of doing things, expertise,FROM THE WEST.
Yes, we have a lot of talented people here too, and yes, we like Romania, but we want Romanian athletes to think, act and perform like those in the West, starting with understanding the life path that performance sport involves and continuing with education , dedication and civic involvement. We want educated, informed, high-performing athletes who are independent as adults.
It's normal for our unequivocal inclination towards something foreign in performance sports to disturb or frighten at first. But we like to think of ourselves as a niche restaurant that serves a certain type of food, more exotic, more sophisticated (but perfectly accessible), and where you'll come and sit down when you're ready. Courage!
We are anti-system (but we will show him the way to reform if he wants)
We want to sideline everything that means corruption, favoritism, imposture, retrograde mentality and caste system from federations, national bodies and clubs. Romanian sport is on a rotten foundation in terms of abuse, incompetence and misogyny, and we believe that this is not being talked about openly enough.
We appreciate former sporting glories for what they represented when they competed and won medals, but we don't shy away from pointing fingers when they get into leadership positions, do their jobs poorly or build cults of personality .
We believe in education in parallel with sports and we are ready to die on this redoubt
The biggest problem of Romanian sports is the way athletes have to choose between education and sports, and most of the time, they end up doing both badly.
Year after year, Romania can have athletes who go to top universities, with sports scholarships, competing and studying at the highest level. After a few generations, they will change the face of Romanian sports, saving resources for Romania both now and in the future.
We want to be the organization that delivers this transformation, and we have the expertise, the relationships and the determination to do it. We've already shown it can be done, read the extraordinary stories of our first cohorthere.
However, we also want to address "mature" athletes, where the need for retraining, for guidance towards life after sports, is acute and unaddressed. Financial education, technology skills, leadership programs and retraining.
We like numbers!
We want to bring transparency to Romanian sports, and for that we will publish the data we obtain. We will always try to bring arguments based on concrete data, on relevant and transparent comparisons, and we will impose our ideas.